With the weather now gradually warming up, it’s time to get outside and get some Spring gardening done to prepare your yard for Summer! Ticking off these tasks during Spring will not only benefit your garden over the Summer months, it’s also a great way to rejuvenate your mind and body. Check out our list of essential Spring gardening jobs to ensure you have a winning Summer garden and can enjoy the great outdoors in your yard this year.
Pruning and tidying
Spring is the time to prune any rose bushes that were missed in Winter. Doing this now will ensure that the plant continues to grow evenly and does not become heavy on top. While you’ve got the secateurs out, tidy up hedges to maximise their health and growth over Summer.
If you have any citrus trees in your garden, remove any leggy growth at the top of the tree. Keeping this growth down will make the tree a more manageable height for harvesting fruit. It also lets the middle of the tree get more light and warmth. Once you’re done with trimming, mulch the base of the tree with organic mulch such as pea straw to help improve the soil quality and stop weeds.
As part of your Spring gardening, clean out your gutters of any leaf litter to make sure that rain can make its way to your water tanks for those hot Summer days. Use the leaf litter in your compost bin or mulch it and place on your garden. Mulching will help your plants retain moisture during hot weather.
Vegetables to plant now
Now is the time to prepare your vegetable patch for Summer, and the warming soil means it is now an ideal time to plant or sow the following vegetable crops:
- Beans
- Sweet corn
- Pumpkins
- Tomatoes
- Zucchinis
- Cucumbers
- Melons
- Potatoes and sweet potatoes
Herbs to plant now
- Basil
- Dill
Now is also the time to plant edible annual blooms such as nasturtiums, marigolds, borage and violas to add to salads and pretty up desserts over Summer.
Lay down the law(n)
If you’ve been wanting to upgrade your lawn, Spring is the ideal time. Prep the soil by spreading dynamic lifter and water retention crystals and mixing them through before laying the turf. This will feed the new turf and help the lawn to retain moisture on hotter days. For tips on what types of lawns are best for your yard, check out the Ozbreed website.
Protect your garden
As we move into the warmer months in Australia, Spring weather can tend to be unpredictable. Prepare for storms or unexpected frosts by having shade cloth or hessian on hand that you can quickly place over your garden to protect it from damage. These will also come in handy for those extra hot days that can potentially distress your plants or veggie patch.
Prep your pool for Summer
If you’re lucky enough to have a swimming pool in your backyard, don’t forget to get it ready for Summer, too. Scoop out leaves and empty the skimmer box. Thoroughly vacuum the pool walls and bottom and consider deep-cleaning any tiles and grout. Replace any worn fittings and check for leaks. Ensure the pump is working properly and organise for a service to make sure it’s in tip top condition come Summer.
Make sure the fence around the pool is in good repair and is safe. Trim back any shrubs or trees in close proximity to the fence to make sure your pool is meeting local council safety standards. Don’t forget to make sure your pool safety signage is in good repair and in place. Turn the pool lights on at least once per week to warm them up and prevent the build up of moisture inside the fittings or wiring.
Start saving water now
Get on top of water saving techniques during your Spring gardening to ensure that you are prepared for a hot Summer. Use a watering can to water around the bases of trees and shrubs so that you can direct the water straight to the areas needing it. It takes a bit more physical work, but it’s much more precise and is great exercise too! If rain is forecast, hold off on watering and turn automatic sprinkler systems off until the weather dries up again.
Replace broken water nozzles and tap fittings and test for leaks. If possible, set up a grey-water reuse system so that you can use water from your house to water your lawns and gardens. You can also save water from cooking such as from steaming or boiling vegetables. Keep the leftover water, allow it to cool and water your vegetable garden or pot plants with it – they’ll love all those extra nutrients! You can also place a bucket in the shower and collect cold water as the shower heats up.
Water garden beds early in the day to avoid evaporation during warmer weather and water pot plants in the afternoon. Don’t forget that mulch and compost will also add more moisture into your soil so make sure you lay compost and mulch during spring. Finally, ensure your gutters are clear of leaves and other green waste so that water can flow efficiently to water tanks.
That concludes our list of Spring gardening jobs
This is just a taste of some of the jobs that you could get done during Spring to guarantee a winning garden come Summer. We hope you enjoy getting outside, getting active in the garden and of course reap many of the benefits once the weather warms up. After you finish all that Spring gardening, you’ll need to take a load off and relax so come and see us at Jimmy’s Bar & Lounge for a cold beer, put your feet up and enjoy the view. You could also whip up a refreshing Aperol Spritz, using our recipe!